Über cms -db
cms -db v0.9.3 - http://cms-db.de/
Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Jan Hoffmann
Dieses Programm ist freie Software: Sie können es unter den Bedingungen der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation veröffentlicht, weitergeben und/oder modifizieren, entweder gemäß Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder späteren Version.
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Nützliche Links
- Deutsch: Jan Hoffmann
- Italiano: Alessandra Hornung
- English: Jan Hoffmann
Danke an die Entwickler
Liste der Änderungen
- Bugfix: Extraction of update archives where the order of folders and contained files is mixed up works
- Bugfix: Copying folders and files on automatic updates over FTP is more solid
- Bugfix: If the download of a new version fails, a working retry link is displayed
- Problems with first-time installation and upgrade fixed
- Vulnerability Fix: No full path disclosure if there is an error with localization
- Improved page management
- Android (Honeycomb) tablets get the tablet version of the admin interface automatically
- Tablet browsers are detected separately in the statistics
- Updated browser versions and additional OS in the statistics
- Updated version of jQuery to 1.6.1
- Preparation for future (internal) admin interface overhaul
- Enhanced security in the user authentication if multiple installations of the CMS are on the same domain
- Bugfix: New guestbook/contact form error messages work with XHTML 5
- Bugfix: Automatic update works again
- The new archive format is used for the default content
- Options for configuring the WYSIWYM editor
- Images can be stretched to full width
- Variables are replaced in blog entries now
- Improvements to the tag editor for blog entries
- License information notice before installation
- Easier to use installation assistant
- Big improvements in the admin interface design and usability
- Much improved lists in the admin area
- New editor type selector
- Error messages of the guestbook and contact form are more detailed
- Variable list is displayed in inline popup
- During updates the 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable status code is sent
- Automatic update checks are configurable
- New update notifier that works with all interfaces and allows checking manually
- Updated CodeMirror to version 0.8, which adds C# support and many bug fixes
- Updated style for setting forms
- Blog displays the name of the currently selected tag
- Error messages in the blog are more friendly
- Better italian translations in WYMeditor
- Workaround to fixing wrong URLs upon moving an image in WYMeditor
- Several small code fixes
- Updated browser and operating system detection
- Bugfix: Quotation marks in the title of a blog entry work with magic quotes enabled
- Bugfix: Umlauts the homepage title work correctly
- Bugfix: HTML reserved characters work correctly in page titles
- Bugfix: Blog feeds work in PHP 5.3
- Bugfix: New tab page works partially in IE
- Bugfix: Users retain their blog rights when changing their password
- Bugfix: Blog feeds work if the blog is on the homepage
- Bugfix: PHP 5.3 with magic quotes enabled is supported
- Bugfix: Installation assistant can't be completed without username and password
- Bugfix: Trying again if the FTP connection fails during an update doesn't display a CSRF protection error anymore
- Bugfix: The data structure updater works with versions greater or equal than 1.0
- Bugfix: The page access counter works correctly with long URLs
- Bugfix: Deleting a folder that contains another folder doesn't result in PHP error
- Bugfix: Upon a new installation the URL settings file contains all settings
- Bugfix: Correct error message if a blog entry doesn't exist
- Bugfix: Blog feeds have the correct MIME header
- Security Fix: Backups can only be downloaded by the main user
- Vulnerability Fix: Contact form removes new lines to prevent mail header injection
- Vulnerability Fix: The search function prevents variable injection
- Slightly updated admin area design
- Possibility to sort pages alphabetically
- Updated WYMeditor to fix cursor bug in Firefox 3.6
- Updated PclZip (will be obsolete soon)
- Anchor menu in more places
- Bugfix: No more CSRF protection error when hiding/showing page
- Bugfix: Links to files can be inserted
- Bugfix: Javascript window.onload event works on the website
- Bugfix: Drafts of pages are now always deleted when publishing the page
- Bugfix: User change works
- Syntax highlighting for includes and template using CodeMirror
- Uploaded text files can be edited (with syntax highlighting for some formats)
- Improved mobile version of the file and include management as well as the recycling center
- Inserting links to pages or files uses the new mobile "linklist" style
- The complete path of pages can be used for generating the URLs
- Code cleanup in the menus
- Workaround for a IE bug that caused the editor to not load
- Fix for URL problems with special chars on some servers
- Updated jQuery to version 1.4
- Links to files and image previews
- Full PHP 5.3 compatibility
- Easier editing of tags in the blog
- Page Attributes
- More detailed disk space overview
- Autosave for blog entries
- Updated various small parts with bad code style
- Tablet Version
- Bugfix: The folding submenu does now always work correctly
- Bugfix: The context sensitive blog feed variable produces correct links
- Bugfix: URLs to files inserted with the editor are correct
- Bugfix: E-Mails sent using the contact form are marked as UTF-8 in the header
- Bugfix: Backslashes are only stripped if necessary
- Bugfix: The guestbook (blog comments) works as it should work after deleting an entry
- Bugfix: Ampersands in page names are displayed correctly
- Bugfix: Update from versions without locale support works better
- Vulnerability Fix: Always require a security hash to prevent CSRF attacks (EDB #10648)
- Vulnerability Fix: Minor XSS security hole in LocalizingClass (EDB #10648)
- Vulnerability Fix: Full Path Disclosure (PHP errors) in several files (EDB #10648)
- Complete url variable
- The variables page is better structured
- When inserting an image in WYMeditor with an empty alternative text, a space is automatically added as alt attribute
- The page and file lists in the editor are automatically updated
- Redesign of the password change feature
- Bugfix: Creating multiple blog entries at the same time doesn't lead to data loss
- Bugfix: When a user changes his password the user rights are retained
- Variables for blog feeds
- Detection of newer versions of Opera
- Bugfix: No useless new tab buttons in Webkit browsers
- Bugfix: Problems with rights when updating are resolved
- Automatic update through the admin interface
- Starting the first run assistant is now easier
- Nicer design of the disk space display
- Usage of escaping functions in more places
- Small preparations for PHP 5.3 and 6.0
- Notification for new updates
- Italian translation
- Clarification about saving pages (now called drafts)
- Credits for translations through the web interface
- The contact form may work better on some servers now
- Bugfix: Single quotes in locale strings shouldn't cause errors anymore
- Bugfix: The clock is now translated
- Bugfix: Blog links and comments work again
- Bugfix: Peak memory usage is only printed in comment if available
- Detection of new browsers
- Nicer first start design
- The website is now inaccessible during updates
- Bugfix: New IP list implementation removes problems with ram usage
- More finger friendly design for mobile version
- Admin interface type can be chosen by user in login screen
- Better page sorting using jQuery UI
- The file permissions in the data directory can now be changed in case of problems
- Some small memory optimizations
- Preparation for new page format
- More blog options
- Bugfix: Adding the IP to the list wasn't updated to new format
- Bugfix: The blog cache gets deleted when deleting an article
- Bugfix: The charset is now always set in the HTTP header (removes problems with umlauts and special chars)
- Bugfix: The stats and the user counter work correctly
- Visitor counter
- Entries in the IP list time out after 24 hours
- Better implementation for data format update with old backup format
- Bugfix: No error on update from an older version than 0.7.3
- Bugfix: Mobile markup works with lists
- Bugfix: The last edit variable works again
- Contact form
- New backup format
- AltGr+Tab and Super+Tab switch between the tabs now (could be broken in some browsers)
- Detection of more mobile operating systems and browsers
- Work around problems with T-Mobile's compression
- Bugfix: Files can now be accessed again after restoring a backup
- XHTML header can be disabled
- Cache is disabled by default (can be turned on in settings)
- Bugfix: Update from an older version than 0.7.1 works
- The list of the last ten blog articles has the class date for the date now
- Anchor menu for includes and files
- Detection of mobile browsers and newer browser versions
- Bugfix: Sorting files and includes is now case insensitive
- Bugfix: Default icon for new tabs
- Bugfix: Browsers are now sorted in the stats
- Variable which displays a list of the ten latest blog entries
- More detailed information about variables
- Allow clearing floats in the editor
- Bugfix: Special chars in the blog title don't cause any errors anymore
- Bugfix: Inserting image filenames in the editor does work again
- Bugfix: Links to files don't have a useless anchor anymore
- Blog function (blog and guestbook mustn't be used on the same page)
- Attributes rel, rev and style are now allowed in editor
- Small improvements to the editor
- The complete menus and folding menus now have a new class activeli{i} or inactiveli{i} in every li element ({i} = layer)
- TOPMENU has a new class topactiveli or topinactiveli in every li element now
- Redirections are now linked directly
- Menus and sitemap are now saved in a cache
- There is an English translation now
- The tab function uses jQuery now
- Links on the website can now be opened in a new window (javascript is necessary)
- Anchors can now be created and linked in the editor
- Nice URLs for page names in Chinese, Turkish, Russian, Polish, Czech, Greek and many other languages
- Loading screen
- Changelog is now English
- It is now possible to open any link in the admin interface in a new tab by clicking on the icon left to it
- Links in the menu, the icon bar and on the desktop can now be opened in a new browser tab or browser window
- It is now possible to escape the % character by writing \%
- The language can now be changed using %%FORCELANGUAGE-LANGCODE%%
- The search can now be used with the attribute lang to change the language
- Special version of the admin interface for mobile phones
- New template (removes bugs in the old one)
- Includes are now done without callback (allows access to the template class via $this)
- Integration of the Tabby jQuery plugin which allows typing tabs in textareas
- The PHP mbstring extension is now used where possible and useful
- Improved page management and settings interface
- The data folder is now protected using a htaccess file (there was a security hole after creating a complete backup)
- Update of jQuery to version 1.3.2
- Update of WYMeditor to version 0.5rc1
- Better Support for Internet Explorer
- Small improvements in the spam protection of the guestbook
- E-mail is needed in guestbook and website can be added
- Better support for special chars in page titles
- Pages are now automatically saved every 30 seconds while editing
- Condition variable
- Late includes
- Better design of the admin area
- Files and includes are now sorted alphabetically
- Bugfix: When closing tabs opened from the menu the admin interface doesn't reload anymore
- Bugfix: The usage of multiple menus in a single page doesn't cause senseless output anymore
- Bugfix: sitemap.php sends the correct header now
- Bugfix: Support for special chars in URLs
- Bugfix: If the URL index is invalid there is no data loss anymore
- Bugfix: Sub pages should be correctly marked as active in the menus
- Bugfix: Sub pages can now be sorted
- New tabs can be opened by double clicking the tab bar
- The slash is now used to devide query strings instead of three tildes (~~~)
- Passwords are now saved as a salted hash
- Safe password editing in the admin interface
- Bugfix: URLs in the XML sitemap are now correct
- Bugfix: An & in pages names does not cause an error in XHTML compatible browser anymore
- Bugfix: Quotation marks in page names do not cause errors anymore
- Vulnerability Fix: Old URLs are not redirected to the new ones anymore (was a security hole)
- cms -db is now localizable
- Pages are now sent with XHTML header (Content-type: application/xhtml+xml), if the web browser claims to support XHTML
- Overlay of admin interface when the logout warning is displayed
- Utilisation of jQuery in admin interface
- The variable $query_string_data contains the part of the query strings behind ~~~ now (can be accessed in includes using global)
- Tabs in admin interface
- %%PAGETITLE%% contains only the name of current page now (the old variable is available as %%FULLTITLE%%)
- New design for the icon bar
- The search function displays the search term bold now
- New default template
- Change in the order of replacing variables while parsing pages
- WYMeditor instead of TinyMCE
- Automatically generated XML sitemap (sitemap.php)
- The HTTP status code 301 is sent for redirects now
- Update of the guestbook and its management
- %%LEFTMENU%% does not show the home page anymore
- Short URLs
- FTP settings removed
- New browser und OS detection
- New variable for displaying a link list for the current section
- Paragraphs around %%GUESTBOOK%%, %%SITEMAP%%, %%INCLUDE%%, %%SECTIONLIST%% and %%LOGINFORM%% are now removed automatically
- Better check for problems while creating pages
- Keeping alive the session while editing pages
- There are only pages now (behaving like sections in older versions)
- Variable to display a login form for the admin interface
- Before installing a backup existing files are removed
- Old data is recovered if installing a backup fails
- Bugfix: Sub pages are now displayed in all menus
- Bugfix: Inserted links work correctly now
- Bugfix: When moving multiple pages into the recycling center no pages are lost anymore
- Bugfix: Recovering pages is possible now
- Bugfix: HTML entities aren't removed while editing anymore
- Bugfix: Sub menus do not show pages in the root folder anymore when the search results or an error page are displayed ($sec and $sub are empty then)
- New font and font size in admin interface
- Bugfix: Inserting page and file links in includes is now adjusted for the new folder structure
New structure of folders:
- The index.php generating the pages is now located in the root folder, the admin interface is still in /admin and the folder /data contains everything needing write permissions. (Updates are now possible)
- The CMS has to be re-installed, an update to v0.5 is not possible.
- Bugfix: In the search results variables aren't replaced anymore
- Oxygen Icon Theme instead of Crystal Icon Theme
- Complete backup
- Bugfix: Until now all variables were replaced insted of only the ones used in the template. Parsing of pages should now be faster when not using many variables.
- Bugfix: When creating/renaming a file/include and inserting a filename already existing, the file was overwritten
- Changing displayed name of 01,Home is now possible
- Search without cache
- Revision of /page/index.php
- Variables for $beforeurl, $afterurl and $absoluteurl
- Multiple users
- New icon navigation in admin interface
- PclZip is used to create and extract backups
- Bugfixes for guestbook
- New default template of website (old design of cms-db.de)
- Update to TinyMCE 3
- New symbol for the website view
- New log on and off screen
- Warning at logout
- Recycling Center
- Renaming files and includes is now possible
- Bugfix for Opera
- Bugfix (Folding menu only showed 2 layers)
- Code of /admin/upload.php was tidied up
- All copyright notes updated to 2008
- The 404 error message is now also displayed if the requested file is a folder (instead of a PHP error)
- Improved stats: Recognition of more bots
- Bots can now be hidden when displaying stats
- When a page is not found the HTTP status code "404 Not Found" is now sent
- Bugfix: Bots are now displayed as OS "Bot" instead of "unbekanntBot"
- Improved readout of stats
- Bugfix for OS detection
- Bugfix in stats page
- Bots of search engines are now listed as the OS "Bot"
- If browser and/or OS is unknown the user agent is now saved
- Remove of invalid tag in /admin/frame.php which avoided displaying the javascript warning
- Compatibility mode for MSIE and browsers without Javascript
- Bugfix: When creating/renaming files with special chars there's no PHP error anymore
- Guestbook is valid XHTML (%%GUESTBOOK%% must not be placed in a p-element!)
- New default template
- Browser and OS stats
- Bugfix for admin interface split
- Changing background color and text color of desktop of admin interface now possible
- Clock in the admin interface
- Improved login page
- Improved admin interface
- Bugfix for redirections
- Changes in configuration of TinyMCE (XHTML 1.1-doctype)
- Adjusted page impressions function for new URLs
- No unnecessary cookies on website (where possible)
- Improved icons
- Small bugfixes
- Small changes/bugfixes in search function
- Adjusting the cache for new URLs
- HTML entities in search results
- Better display while extracting backups
- URL rewriting is now possible
- "file=" dropped out of the page URLs
- Shorter URLs ("sec" and "sub" dropped out)
- Menus and sitemap are now lists
- It is now possible to split the admin interface
- Redirection in pages
- Improved display of file permissions
- Improved security code in guestbook
- Bugfix for the FTP link in the admin interface (only affects servers with safe_mode=1)
- Work-around for a PHP bug which can occur on certain PHP configurations
- Security code in guestbook is transmitted via PHP session
- Admin interface now supports MSIE
- Completely new admin interface
- TinyMCE was downsized (from 2,2MiB to 1,6MiB)
- Integration of TinyMCE in Includes and Template